Co-Pak Packaging Corporation > Co-Packaging Featured Posts > The Case for Updating Custom Store Displays

Custom Store DisplaysGiving your customers a great view of the products that you know they want is an important part of creating sales in your store. From food to the latest cosmetic products and functional business accessories, it’s important to display your products in their best light. Here’s where having custom store displays becomes important because you want your display to represent your brand and encourage new business with everyone who walks through your doors. Here are a few suggestions for the times to update custom store displays:

1. Product Type – If your business offers several different products that are important to you, adjusting your custom store displays to rotate through these items can encourage new business. Whereas one customer may not notice your secondary product on one visit, they may make it their next purchase with a small shift in your product display arrangements.

2. Store Layout – You may believe that leaving your custom store displays in the same place is most convenient, so people always see your priority product. What may be more efficient, depending on the product type, is to strategically move your custom store displays to different locations routinely, so your customers see it differently each time they walk in the door.

3. Sales Goals – Custom store displays should also reflect your sales goals, and that means making sure your displays match your branding and show your product in its best light. If you’re finding that you aren’t selling as much as you had hoped or intended, making a change to your custom displays may be a good move.

At Co-Pak Packaging Corporation, we manufacture custom store displays for many different agencies and organizations, and our team at d3 can help you design and implement the retail displays that will most benefit your business. Contact us today to learn more about our many products and services.