Shrink wrap is a cost-effective way to package your products with almost limitless possibilities for design and use. Today, shrink wrap is used to package tons of different products, from food and beverages to books, bulk boxes, and other types of merchandise. Aside from the most common uses for shrink wrap, here are five creative ways to use it for better packaging branding and design:
1. Labelling—You may think the only way to label your products is to put information directly on them. However, shrink wrap makes it easy to label your products on the packaging and convey information to your customer base.
2. Sealing—Part of the packaging process involves coming up with a smart way to include smaller parts, like screws, accessories, wires, and other small items. Shrink wrap is an excellent way to bundle smaller items together within a bigger package, so they don’t get lost during shipment.
3. Decoration—Shrink wrap comes in tons of different colours and can make your product look more appealing. It’s also a good idea to use it for seasonal promotions, as you can quickly swap it out based on current marketing campaigns.
4. Transport—You want to keep your products safe and secure during transport to minimize loss and damages. Shrink wrap can help you keep large and bulky items secure when they’re on the way to the store.
5. Eco-friendly messaging—Did you know you can recycle shrink wrap? Make this clear to your consumers, and you’ll win points for doing your part to help out the environment.