Co-Pak Packaging Corporation > Co-Packaging Featured Posts > Three Custom Packaging Secrets that Create Brand Success

Custom PackagingWhen you turn to Co-Pak Packaging Corporation for custom packaging solutions, there’s probably one thing on your mind: can you successfully bring your idea or need to life? At Co-Pak Packaging Corporation, we’d like to share some of the secrets we’ve learned over the years that can turn any brand’s retail performance from good to great.

1. Bring Experiences to Life- Instead of designing packaging specifically for an actual product, we use custom packaging to highlight the product. When we start designing packaging, we focus on setting the stage for the individual experience the customer will have at their point of purchase.

2. Consider Copy as a Design Element- To help consumers understand what your brand proposition is, we may suggest the use of messaging, or a call to action, as part of the overall design scheme. For instance, instead of attracting consumers merely with graphics, using relevant and impactful messaging that resonates can lead to product purchase.

3. Go for Limited Editions- To drive incredible sales performance with your custom packaging, we may suggest using limited edition packaging to highlight a product that you will only have in stores for a short period of time. This works extremely well when you have a brand that’s been around for a while, but you want to build on without losing your loyal customer base.

At Co-Pak Packaging Corporation, we can introduce you to even more of the packaging secrets that we’ve learned over the years. All you have to do is give us a call.

Three Custom Packaging Secrets that Create Brand Success